Friday, December 30, 2016

Here Comes 2017

          I hope everyone had a great Christmas.  Aside from a mild case of food poisoning, mine was uneventful.

          As the year winds down and we start looking towards a new year, a funny thing happens in a lot of people’s minds.  I’m talking about New Year’s Resolutions.  I’m not a fan of New Year’s Resolutions.  In fact, the last one I made (and the only one I’ve ever successfully executed) was to never make another New Year’s Resolution.

          I used to be like most people.  I would wake up on New Year’s Day and tell myself “this year I’m going to quit smoking, lose weight and exercise more!”  Yeah, right.  I never did.  The fact of the matter is I’m not going to quit smoking until I’m ready.  I’m not going to lose weight until I change my attitude about food.  I do exercise more now than I used to, but not because of a New Years’ Resolution.  I exercise more now because I have other goals that require me to be in better shape.

          I gave up on New Year’s Resolutions mostly because I came to realize that any day I wake up alive, I have an opportunity for change.  I don’t have to wait until Monday, the 1st of the month, the 1st of the year or any other significant date to change.  I can change TODAY if I decide that’s what I want to do.

          Would I like to be able to look back and say “2017 was the year I …?”  Of course, but I also would like to have been able to say that about 2016, 2015, 2014…

          Are you making any New Year’s resolutions?  It’s okay if you are.  I won’t judge you.  In fact, I will do my best to encourage you to tackle them with gusto.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

I Hate Cold Weather!

          I hate cold weather.  I really hate cold weather.  I really, really hate cold weather!  Okay, maybe it’s not cold weather that I hate because I do enjoy snow.  What I really hate is being cold.

          I have a chronic condition called Costochondritis. Costowho? You ask?  Costo (for short) is inflammation of the cartilage between the ribs.  It’s extremely painful when it flares up and there is nothing the doctors can do about it.  I have found a good liquid vitamin that helps keep it under control.  It flares up when I tense up.  I tense up when I’m stressed, cold or under exertion like heavy lifting.

          When it’s cold I look like the younger brother in The Christmas Story who can’t move because of all the layers.  My top half looks twice the size of my bottom half, all in an effort to keep from flaring up. 

          In all seriousness, though… are you ready for the cold weather?  Ready or not, it’s here.  Please take some time to make sure you have what you need in case you get stranded somewhere.  As long as my APU runs I could survive in this truck for almost a week if it was necessary.  I know our storage is limited, but this really is important.  I’m not going to bore you with a list, you know what you need.  I’m just asking you to take the time to make sure you have it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Purpose Driven Life

          Several days ago, Don Freymiller sent out a fleet message to announce that Freymiller had procured a copy of the book “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren for every driver.  I can’t tell you how excited I was to see that message.

          Rick Warren is the pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA.  Saddleback is also the birthplace of the Celebrate Recovery program, a Christian 12-step program that has completely changed my life.

          “The Purpose Driven Life” was another life-changer.  I was in the process of reading this book when I started working here in January 2012.  If you’ve ever felt like your presence on this planet is random or accidental, I would highly recommend this book.  Not only did this book help me to understand that yes, I am here for a reason; it helped me to figure out what that reason is.

          Even if you are not a Christian, I would still recommend reading this book.  I have studied philosophies that are contrary to my Christian beliefs and still walked away with a new perspective because I look at alternative beliefs and ask “can any of this apply to my life and how does it fit in with my beliefs?”  (The Secret was a great exercise in learning how to do this.)

          This book is comprised of 40 mini chapters that introduce you to new ideas and end with questions that challenge you to look closer at your own life.  Love it, love it, love it!  What makes it even better is if you buddy up with someone and work through this book together, discussing your answers at the end of each chapter.  I have asked another driver to do this with me and he said he would.  I look forward to peeling back another layer of myself and hearing the perspective of someone new.

          I’ve heard it said that small minded people talk about people, average minded people talk about things, but your big thinkers discuss IDEAS.

          I am a huge fan of personal development so I’m really looking forward to reading this book again.

          Again, I encourage you; if you’re a Freymiller driver, to get up to the company store ASAP and get your copy.  It doesn’t cost you a dime to pick it up.  It only costs you time to read it but you have so much to gain.