Sunday, September 18, 2016

I'm Going Where?

                At some point during their training, almost every trainee has told me that I am either a walking atlas or a walking truck stop guide.  Comes with the territory, I guess.  I’d be more concerned if I didn’t know where to go - or how to get there - after being out here so long.

          There are 47,856 miles of Interstate Highway in the United States.  I have traveled most of them. Even Hawaii and Alaska have Interstate Highways, which makes no sense to me because by definition the highways cannot be Interstate, but would be Intrastate.

          I was pleasantly surprised last week when I was dispatched on a load that included a stop in Corpus Christi, TX.  I’d never been to Corpus Christi before, in fact, I’ve never been anywhere near it so I had to look it up just to find out where it was.  I looked it up on my phone and then had to zoom it out a few times to find out what Interstate went to it.  It’s at the south end of I-37, in case you were wondering.  I didn’t even know there was an I-37 until last Friday.  I’m a beach junkie so going near the water is always good for me.

          The load itself wasn’t much to get excited about, pay wise.  1,748 miles, 5 drops, 6 days.  My checking account isn’t going to be impressed next Friday, but that’s okay.  To me, it’s not all about the miles.  Yes, miles are important.  I’ve grown rather fond of eating and living indoors, but sometimes, it’s something completely different that makes a load a good one in my mind.  I get excited when I get to go somewhere new, or somewhere I can do something fun… like send live lobsters to my brother or drive over the Hoover Dam.  It keeps it interesting.  

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