Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Loose Nut Issue

          When I was young, probably less than 10, a woman was talking to my dad about her car.  She was telling him about something it was doing.  After she left, I looked up at my dad and asked him what was wrong with her car.
His answer?
          “There is nothing wrong with that car but the loose nut behind the wheel.”
          Fast-forward 30+ years.  I admit that I am not the most mechanically inclined person on the planet.  Most of the time I tell people that I’m mechanically inclined enough to take something apart but not usually enough to put it back together correctly.  I was not ashamed to stand in our shop and tell David Freymiller that I saved him more money by NOT working on his truck.
          There is a reason I drive trucks, not work on them.  Once, I melted the plastic piece that the headlight socket screws into because I didn’t get it back in properly.  I have been IQ tested twice and scored in the genius range both times.  I told the mechanic who fixed my headlight that this was the work of a genius.
          More than once, I have had to explain what the truck was doing to either Hoop or David and ask them how they wanted me to write it up so it would make sense to the mechanic who would inevitably work on it. I find it ironic that with as many people who have told me how well I write, I draw a complete blank when I get a Gripe Sheet in my hands.
          I can’t tell you how many times I have stood at our shop desk being stared at in disbelief while I stomped my foot and insisted “this is not a loose nut issue!”
          We have had several drivers come off the road and go to work in the shop.  I admire them; I’m probably even a little jealous of them.  They can do things that I can’t.  I’m confident in my abilities, but I’m also honest about my weaknesses.  I have a very small collection of tools because my ability to use them is so limited. 

          Okay, somebody ‘fess up.   I know I can’t be the only genius with this problem!

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