Friday, May 25, 2018

Area 51 Alien Center

          OMG I finally made it!  For five years, I’ve wanted a load that would take me up US 95 in Nevada from Las Vegas to Reno so I could go to THIS truck stop.  Last week, I finally got one.  (Thank you, Joey!)

          I don’t know if I believe in the existence of alien life.  I don’t know if I believe that aliens have landed on our planet and the government is denying it.  What I do believe in is the possibility.  For me, the idea of aliens is fun to think and speculate about, but I don’t believe I will have definite answers in my lifetime. 

          I’m a Trekkie.  My two favorite Star Trek episodes are the Next Generation episode where people from the 20th Century are found cryogenically frozen and brought back to a state of consciousness where they find out they’re hundreds of years in the future and having to adjust, and the Next Generation movie, First Contact, where the crew goes back in time to when the Vulcans first made contact with the inhabitants of Earth.  (Told you I was a nerd!)

          Star Trek and portrayed aliens as mostly friendly, whereas most other movies portrayed aliens as aggressors.  I like friendly aliens better.

          A local resident was nice enough to indulge me and take this picture.  I talked to him for a few minutes and he told me he does this for travelers all the time.  I was there less than an hour, but I had a blast.

          What do you think about aliens?  Have they been here?  Are they here now, walking among us and we just don’t know it?  Am I a loon?