Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Is There Anything Good About E-logs?

          I’ve heard plenty of complaints about e-logs.  There hasn’t been a wide variety of complaints, what I hear is the same three or four complaints echoed by many people.  What I’m not hearing is much good about e-logs.  

          Is there anything good about e-logs?  Believe it or not, there are some advantages to e-logs.  The two main advantages that I’ve experienced are that they do the math for me and they “trained” me while I was trying to understand the changes in the HOS that happened while I was a stay at home mom.

          When I was on paper logs, I was a nightmare with my recap.  I’m a reasonably intelligent person, but I kept adding 7 days instead of 8 and couldn’t figure out why I had 10 more hours than I had yesterday when I drove 10 and gained 10.  My e-logs don’t get tired and make rookie mistakes.

          I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… the 8/2 split rule wouldn’t have been anymore confusing to learn if it had been written in Greek or Swahili.  Once I finally got it, I realized I’d been making it a whole lot harder than it was… but until I had that “AHA moment,” holy guacamole!  Thankfully, my e-logs don’t try to overthink things like I do.

          A friend of mine (who drives for another company) told me that when he was on paper logs he abused them like crazy.  One of the biggest advantages for him is now that he has no choice but to run legal, he doesn’t experience the high level of anxiety about DOT asking to see his log book like he used to. 

          What about you?  What is something good that you’ve found about being on e-logs?


  1. We are our own worst enemy. With paper if you gave me an inch I’d take 5 miles. I ran loads that never should have been on time, you know it and so do I. E-logs also taught me to manage my day to the best I could to make things work. I wasn’t near as tired. I didn’t average any more miles per week over a year by switching. I was just less tired. I also liked the disappearance of the 2 am phone calls of “another truck is broke down! We need you to go get his load!!!” I 2nd your reasons as well.

  2. Absolutely! I've also heard people say they can't make money on e-logs but I've made more.

  3. Well you are rt it has its advantage but my opinion
    Is since the new hos are really a dangerous thing
    Now when u start your clock drivers are racing thru
    Parking lots trying find a place to park or they are wide open on the highways. I’ve seen accidents after this has gone in affect. But my opinion is why change. It should go
    Back the way it was ten on an eight off an do away with the 30 min break but I’m only one person and I can’t move mountains hahahahaha well this just my opinion but I think if it would go back the way it was the roads would be safer an drivers would not be rushed an less tired an fatigue but like I said it’s just my opinion
