Friday, May 19, 2017

Elk City Tornado

·         Picture courtesy of and used by permission of OKIE Livin

          Tuesday evening I was down in Elk City, OK to pick up a load when the tornado sirens went off.  When I left OKC about 4:00, I assumed a quick trip down, drop and hook, straight back and home by 9:00.  You know what they say about assuming, right?

          News9 reported 1 confirmed fatality and at least 100 structures damaged with more than 50 destroyed.  The tornado has been estimated to be an EF2.  I’ve lived most of my life in the Midwest, so while this isn’t my first experience with a tornado, it is the closest I’ve come to seeing one.  I think I was about 5 miles from the path of the tornado, but I’m not familiar enough with Elk City to say for sure.

          I was sitting in the storm shelter with warehouse employees, office employees and other drivers - listening to them chatter - but staying mostly quiet.  I was praying for the safety of people who didn’t have the luxury of a storm shelter when I had the strangest thought.  “God, you know how I feel about moving into a truck, I need you to keep her on her wheels out there.”  I wasn’t concerned about my safety; one of the office people had made the statement that the shelter was built to withstand 300 mph winds.  I was more concerned about my truck.  My concern doubled when I remembered that my phone was sitting on the dash.

          By the time all the excitement was over and I got out of there; I had been there for almost 4 hours.  I didn’t get home until after midnight, undamaged but exhausted.  I’m certainly not looking forward to a repeat performance.

          Many prayers are going up for the victims of the tornado in Elk City and for the safety of all those who live in tornado prone regions.

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