Saturday, July 23, 2016

Here's Your Sign!

          I nag the crap out of my trainees about reading the signs as they’re driving down the road.

 “What if the next sign you don’t read says “Bridge Out Ahead or Road Ends In Water?”

          I live in Missouri, where we actually do have signs that say Road Ends In Water!

          “If you don’t start reading your signs we’re going to end up in Iowa instead of Georgia!”

          Besides being necessary and informative, there are a lot of interesting signs out on the road.  Thanks to Android and Google, I no longer have to just wonder what the story is behind some of these signs, I can now look them up and find out.  Some of the more interesting things I have found out:
     1.       How Deaf Smith County (Texas) got its name (and that it’s pronounced “deef”)
     2.       That Zanesville, OH is NOT named after Zane Grey, but an ancestor of his. Oh, and did you know that Zane Grey was a dentist?
     3.       Patti’s 1880’s Settlement in Grand Rivers, KY is a replication, not an original settlement.
     4.       Ninety Six, SC has absolutely nothing to do with the Civil War, as I originally thought.

When I have a trainee, I will look up these signs that spark my interest immediately.  If I’m on the phone, I will ask the person I am speaking with to text it to me so I can look it up later.  I don’t even want to think of how many signs (places) I forgot about by the time I got stopped.

Am I the only one that does this?  I’d love to hear about the interesting things that you’ve looked up after having read a sign.

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