Monday, July 4, 2016

Lights, Camera, Action!

In 2014, "dash cams" were installed in 10 trucks.  It started with the CNG and Local trucks.  To date, all of the 2016 and 2017 trucks have them.  Honestly, I was leery of the idea of cameras in the trucks.  It felt a little too "big brother is watching" for my comfort.  

      Then I got some information.

1. The cameras run/record on a constant loop, but the only accessible data is what's saved to the memory card.
2.  They only record data onto the memory card when there is a "critical event" or the driver hits the "panic button."  When either of those occur, they save the 10 seconds before and 20 seconds after the incident.
3. There are only 3 people in the company who can access stored data from the memory cards.... David and Don Freymiller and the Safety Director.
4. No one has the ability to pull up any truck at random and "spy" on the driver going down the road (or when they're parked for that matter.)

     After giving this a little more thought I realized that when I worked in retail, there were cameras all over the stores I worked in.  There are cameras all over the terminal.  Really, this isn't a big deal.  I think in my mind it was a big deal because in a sense, my truck is my home.  That felt a little invasive, but once I got the facts on how the cameras work and reminded myself that the truck isn't just "my home" but my workplace... it wasn't such a big deal anymore.

     While no one can randomly access the camera in my truck to see what I'm doing, if they could all they would find out is....

1. I chair dance.
2. I'm pretty good on the air guitar but not coordinated enough for the air drums.
3. I eat.  A lot.  Well, not a lot per se, but often.

     There is nothing I do in that truck that I'd be afraid of anyone seeing me do anyway, except getting dressed, but that's why they have sleeper curtains, right?

     Have a safe and happy Independence Day!

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