Sunday, September 24, 2017

Yay Vacation!

While you’ve all been slaving away this past week, I’ve been eating like a pig, drinking like a fish and getting sunburned.  Woohoo!  Yay vacation!

I’m a creature of habit.  This year I took the same cruise I took last year, just on a different ship.  I also took a friend this year.  Originally there were supposed to be six of us, but life happens and in the end, there were only two.  It was still good.

When was the last time you took a vacation?  I was talking to another friend who told me “one of these days, I’m going to get on a cruise ship.”  If you’ve ever said something similar, I would encourage you to take the “someday/one of these days” out of it and get to planning.

It’s been my experience that when someone says “someday, I’m going to…” they might as well replace the “someday” with “never.”  “Never, I’m going to…”  When we say “someday,” our goals remain nothing more than an abstract idea, but when we attach details (timeline, location, etc) they take on a life of their own and we’re more likely to see them come to pass.

So where are you going on your next vacation?

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