Saturday, September 30, 2017

What's On Your Facebook Page?

          On my 40th birthday, I created my Facebook page.  We’ve had a volatile relationship, at best.  Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it.  I love the fact that I can connect with friends and family that I don’t get to see often and get to keep up with what’s going on in their lives.  I hate seeing people airing their personal problems or posting something vague and cryptic, then getting offended when asked about it.

          The year I was home, working on a home-based business, the woman training me cautioned me about what I post on Facebook.  She told me that people who are interested with working with me will go check out my Facebook page to check ME out.  Social media has been a real game changer.  What used to be private is now public because we’ve willingly made it so.

          I have seen and heard of cases where people have lost their jobs because of what they have posted on various social media outlets.  Several messages have come out from the Safety department reminding us that they are watching.  I know it sounds very “big-brother-ish,” but it’s just the way of the world we live in.  I don’t care what your settings say.   There is no privacy on the Internet.

          I regularly remind trainees to “pay attention to what you’re doing.”  We   have to do the same thing with our online presence.  Our online presence has consequences.  I guess this goes back to what I’ve said in other posts… be mindful.  Be intentional.  We can’t go through life like a bull in a China shop, crashing around into things and expect that nothing bad is ever going to happen.

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